Laurel Bennett, the disgraced former candidate for Mayor of Palm Beach Florida and a two time candidate for The Florida House of Representatives has been hit...
“This could be an Andrew Cuomo type of scandal for Governor DeSantis.” The high profile divorce case of Laurel Bennett and her much younger husband, the...
As Afghans desperate to escape The Taliban hurled their children over the walls of Kabul Airport yesterday, the Defense Department began its inquiry of the Defense...
WEST PALM BEACH, FL — Laurel Bennett, the one-time hopeful Florida House member and a former candidate for Mayor here has asked the Palm Beach court...
Congressman loses immunity bid. The Federal Court in Gainsville, Florida has decided investigator and Marine veteran Lloyd Goodnow can proceed with his federal lawsuit against former...
Ron DeSantis’ presidential dreams could be shattered by a multi-state investigation, The Reformer has learned. Agencies in Oregon, Alaska and New York have begun to probe...
The lawsuits under way in Federal Court in Florida alleging Republican Congressman Ted Yoho stiffed U.S. veterans he hired to perform surveillance of terrorists will raise...