How Efthymios Savvidis Is Disrupting The Instagram Growth Industry

Tell us your name and a little about yourself.
My name is Efthymios Savvidis (aka. Makis Savvidis). I am a 15 year old social media entrepreneur based in Greece who recently joined the Instagram “Game” as we call it and im now making money off of it by using my 1 Million plus Instagram follower Network.
What exactly do you do?
Well, I basically use my big Instagram Network to promote bands, companies, models, music artists and help them expand their social media pages.
What’s the biggest factor that has helped you be successful?
The biggest factor that helped me be successful was that i studied and learned how almost every Instagram algorithm works, how to reach a bigger audience with your page and how to easily start getting followers, thats also how i by myself expanded my network.
What were the biggest challenges you have faced, and how did you overcome them?
One of the biggest challenges i had faced or ik facing right now is that even though i know how Instagram algorithms work, Instagram’s feed as we call it is only showing my page’s posts to only ¼ of my followers which means that it makes it very hard for not only me but many other people harder to reach a broader audience and in general grow new followers.
What mistakes have you made along the way?
One mistake i have made along the way was trusting people I shouldn’t and realizing that not everyone wants what’s best for you. That only slowed me down and distanced me a little from what i can become but i learned from that mistake.
How can people follow your journey? Please list your social media URLs.
If someone was interested in following my journey and in general with social media, that can happen if you really study and understand how social media networking works, if you do that, if you do that, you won’t find it hard to grow your own network.
My personal/business Instagram account:
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