Big Life Marketing Is Reforming Americans And How They Spend Money on Ads

“The difference between average marketing and great marketing can be 10x your revenue.” This quote by Dmitri Smirnov, the Founder of Big Life Marketing, says it all.
With this quote in mine, Big Life Marketing, which has claimed its place at the top in helping the top entrepreneurs and businesses fix their creative, copy, landing pages and optimize all for google ad traffic, Dmitri has a team of the most talented digital advertisers at his disposal to help people scale their revenue.
We spoke with Dmitri more in-depth about how his company has been reforming Americans, how he is living his own ‘American Dream’, and how it is running a large ad & marketing agency with some of the top entrepreneurs in the country trusting him to scale their brands.
1. Hey Dmitri, let’s start off with how you see Big Life Marketing helping Americans reform their ads, traffic & businesses overall?
Marketing consists of two primary principles of marketing: story-telling and optimization. Implement both correctly and you will increase your impact, influence, and bottom line.
Imagine an ad the customer wants to see, selling a product/service that will improve their lives, and generates more profit for the business owner. That is our version of reformed marketing.
2. As the founder, where does your motivation come from each day to get into work and help people with their own companies?
I am self-interested like everyone else. Helping others win is the most reliable way for me to win. And win-wins are the biggest hack in business. 1+1 = 3 all the time in the marketing and business world.
It also helps that what I do is fun for me. I’m a statistician. I’m an artist too. My work is the perfect combination of math and creativity. My job is like a video game but happens to also add value to the marketplace.
3. You have seen a lot! What is the biggest problem you see with companies that first sign up with you and their ads from a creative/copy perspective?
Creative is called “creative” for a reason. It should be creative. But it usually isn’t. The problem is most companies use boring, safe advertising styles. “I’m selling this. Here’s why it’s good” is not good enough anymore.
An ad should spark interest and speak to a specific audience. It should tell a story. It should address objections. Simple enough, right? There is an art to it as much as there is a science.
4. Why do companies need to optimize their google ad traffic now more than ever before?
Think about all the Google products we all use: Google Chrome, Android phones, Google Maps, Youtube, Google Search, Gmail, and more. There is no other company on the planet that knows more about each one of us. Google also happens to be the most extensive ad network by traffic volume too. Leverage Google AI. Capture the entire buyer’s journey in one platform. You can show ads on search results, Youtube, the Google Display Network, Gmail, Maps, and partner sites. Your competitors already do this.
5. How is it working with big clients such as Jordan Belfort and managing millions of dollars of Google / YouTube Ads every month?
Ambitious founders don’t have time to manage agencies. We get hired. We have 3 months to prove their offer on Google Ads. No micromanaging. These clients just want the job to get done. That’s why it’s the perfect partnership. They are hands-off and allow us the opportunity to do what we do best. We return the favor by making them more money. They like working with Big Life Marketing. We like working with them.
6. Why are you proud to be living and working in America?
My grandmother immigrated to the United States from the Soviet Union in her 60s. She is a true American patriot. She taught me how life can be. War. Famine. Poverty. She showed me how to be grateful for what we have here and now. The American Dream is still real. Each one of us has the opportunity to create value for ourselves and our communities. I am proud to be a citizen, small business owner, and employer of Americans.
7. And before you go, is there anything else you’d like to add?
Big Life Marketing does the work most agencies aren’t equipped or willing to do. We dig into KPIs like LTV, MER, and CAC, and work directly with CFOs to ensure the financial goals are properly aligned with our marketing efforts. We create easy-to-read reporting so everyone is on the same page about performance and trends. We allocate a portion of every campaign budget to testing and experimentation. We have our own in-house video and static creative team. We analyze every single creative, ad group, and campaign for statistical significance. Turning a $10 million dollar company into a $50 million dollar company is not a question of working harder. The jump happens when executives are equipped with reliable and easy-to-understand data to make critical decisions.
Start generating more impact with Google & Youtube Ads. It works. It works for businesses like yours. It will work for you. Big Life Marketing can help!
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