Author A. Ruth Proctor Survived And Is Now Reforming America!

When it comes to a story that proves that no matter what obstacles or hardships you go through in life, you can always get through it and make a positive impact. That truth is proved by A. Ruth Proctor who is not only now a best-selling author, but is also a mother and serial entrepreneur.
Placed in foster care when she was very young, A. Ruth was forced to make life adjustments on the fly. After foster care, she went through a series of devastating events, including molestation, domestic violence, and infidelity.
Through it all though, she learnt about perseverance and developed a toolkit of survival skills that she now uses to help reform Americans and others around the world. This life-changing toolkit can be found in her book “I SURVIVED; YOU CAN TOO”, and we here at USA Reformer spoke exclusively with her about it all and also about what trends in the book industry she sees happening in the near future…
1. How do you hope your story and journey can help others?
My hope is that my story will help others learn to cope and deal with their trauma. No matter what the trauma is, we all have survived something. I hope reader’s see even though I felt like my world was ending- I refused to give up and pushed forward. I pray readers will feel enlightened and empowered knowing that they too are not alone. Fight like you are about to die, your life depends on it. Fight no matter what life throws at you! You were put on this earth for a purpose and there’s no one like you! You are one of a kind and God loves you. You only have one life- Make it worth it -with no regrets. I Survived; You Can Too is all about coping and surviving trauma and still rising from the ashes. Knowing your worth and to never give up.
2. What is your advice to other women (and people) who may be going through the same things in their lives?
Advice that I would give someone going through similar things would be to Trust God and know that he will see you through. I often say the Lord’s Prayer when I’m at a weak point or feel defeated. Isaiah 43-44 has carried me through some of my darkest times. Trust and believe in yourself. Know that there is light at the end of the tunnel and no matter what there is greater coming. I use positive affirmations daily and speak positive instead of negative. Have a sounding board to talk to; a friend, co-worker, family member, or therapist, someone that can listen and not just talk. You got this!!!
3. At what point did you finally say, “I need to tell the truth”?
When I began to tell my story and observed how it affected others, that’s when I knew I needed to tell my story. People would always say “You need to write a book”. I would hear that so much and once God put it on my heart, I began to journal. The journaling translated into the book. I started journaling first then began writing the book. I used that negative energy to push past my environment! I wanted more for my siblings and myself. I dreamed of better and I kept working and continued to advance wherever I worked. That pushed me to want more for myself. I used my pain to push me to level up higher when things seemed bleak. God is definitely where my strength comes from as well as my daughters. I found my strength in my broken place.
4. How was the process in writing and then publishing your book?
Self-publishing was hard work, at times I wanted to give up and table it but I pushed past my fears; 2020 was my year. I went from writing my book out on paper then typing it out on the computer to printing and editing. Then I went through edits with my editor and then a proofreading process. I’m still fine tuning things, I notice each time I read it but all in all I’m happy with the finished product. This has been a learning lesson for me. I will be prepared this next go around; educating yourself on the process is key.
5. How do you feel your story will reform Americans?
My prayer is that my story will touch the hearts of other Americans burying their pain. Hopefully, we all can transfer that negative energy into something positive. Choose Love over Hate!
6. Will there be a second book?
Yes, I have a workbook and journal coming this spring that will expound on the survival tips in my book. Hopefully soon, I’ll begin working on a book pertaining to me being a caregiver for my mom who suffers from schizophrenia and bio polar.
7. In the book industry, what trends are you currently seeing now that you are a published author?
Trends, I am currently seeing is that you need to market, market, market; if you want to sell your book. Your book will not sell if you don’t use your resources and hire a team to assist you.
8. What changes overall do you predict will happen with books and how we as people read?
I predict over the next ten years, audio books will become more popular and eventually go completely digital. I enjoy feeling the pages and reading an actual book. Although, a lot of people overall enjoy having books, technology is the wave.
9. What’s next for you beyond your book?
I have a Workbook, Journal and Online course coming this spring that will expound on the survival tips in my book. Hopefully soon, I’ll begin working on a book pertaining to being a caregiver for my mom who suffers from schizophrenia and bio polar.
10. If you could change one thing in this world, what would it be?
If I could change one thing in the world, I would eliminate HATE! Hate fuels a lot of pain and unnecessary hurt to others. If we all decided to LOVE instead, this world would be a lot better. We’d have more support, fun, hope and togetherness. A better world for all of us to live in.
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