6 Common Concerns That Rhinoplasty Can Help

When anyone is looking for Rhinoplasty surgery, nose size, form, and straightness also come into play. But there are other questions about nose shape that lead individuals to consider their surgical choices. You will want to know the main nose problems that can often be solved with this form of the procedure if you are considering rhinoplasty (nose job). In this blog, we discuss the most commonly heard concerns about noses that lead people to consider their surgical options for reshaping, resizing, or repositioning such nose structures.
1. The bridge of the nose is too wide or flat
- In many Asian, African, and Hispanic ethnicities, the type of nose that is either on the wide side (broad) or flat across the bridge is particularly popular.
- By reducing the width of the nasal bridge, changing the tip of the nose as well as refining the base of the nose, Asian Rhinoplasty surgery will correct this.
- The most commonly used procedure is called ‘Augmentation Rhinoplasty’ for a flat or low bridge, which can require the use of bridge implants.
- Many patients will note a significant change in the contour of the entire nose and an altered facial appearance following nose bridge augmentation surgery.
- But you need to be mindful that it can take up to a year or more before the associated swelling fully resolves the healing process. It will take time, like most things, to get used to a new look, even though you love the outcome.
2. The nose has a large bulbous tip.
- Owing to the form of the lower lateral cartilage, patients who complain about this nose trait tend to have a more rounded tip.
- It can make your nose look disproportionately long, overly wide, or even both, if you have a bulbous nose tip.
- A bulbous, rounded nasal tip can be easily fixed by reshaping the lower lateral cartilage by rhinoplasty.
- This produces a softer triangular look, in turn.
3. The nose is considered too big or long
- It may become the target of unwanted attention or bullying when the nose of a person is very big or long or both.
- Other appealing facial features can also distract from abroad or long nose.
- This may include a complex Rhinoplasty, including a decrease in the nasal tip along with the development of a shorter, narrower nose, which may involve very sophisticated techniques of nose reshaping.
- However, this nose surgery will help the person achieve a more balanced facial profile and a front-view that complements the whole face.
4. The nose is too pointy for the patient’s liking.
- The product of projecting nasal septum cartilage or excess cartilage at the tip of the nose is always a pointy nose.
- Once any swelling resolves, a reduction of this cartilage by nose reshaping surgery is typically very successful over the longer term.
- Not only can rhinoplasty procedures to change a pointy nose minimize the size of the nose, but also round the tip-off of the nose, resulting in a softer-looking tip appearance.
- In essence, this affects the entire shape of the nose and the overall facial balance.
- With tip-only Rhinoplasty, downtime is more limited, and the recovery may not be as lengthy.
5. The nose is crooked.
- A crooked nose during the birth process may be due to an accident or facial trauma.
- A crooked nose may also stem from genetic causes, including a likely overgrowth of cartilage and bone that ends up pushing part of the nose ‘off to one side.’
- Another issue (out of alignment side aspects of the nose) is asymmetry, especially if it is very visible or severe.
- It is also more difficult to fix this form of “cosmetic flaw”.
- Rhinoplasty will effectively resolve the problem, but only an experienced plastic surgeon can operate.
- Usually, the nasal bones must be reset by osteotomy to repair a very crooked nose.
- Compared to Tip Rhinoplasty or Bridge Augmentation, that’s a fairly complex and often more invasive operation.
6. The nose a prominent hump or nose-bridge bump.
- By drawing attention away from the eyes, nasal humps can differ greatly in size and distract from the rest of the face.
- It is important to convey the amount of reduction you want in the hump while meeting with your Specialist Plastic Surgeon.
- To make the bridge of the nose straighter, some patients may choose to remove the hump entirely.
- To retain ethnic or family characteristics, other patients can prefer to maintain certain bridge completeness.
- However, what you do with your body should only be your choice and make a well-informed decision after you have obtained full information.
If you are considering Rhinoplasty operation in Turkey, consult the right plastic surgeon with the appropriate expertise in the operation. To get more information please contact us and let’s decide what is best for you. MAYCLINIK family always here to help.
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