
The Relevance Of Soul Urge Number In Numerology



Numerology has more to do with the relevance of what the numbers mean in your life than the occurrence of them in your life. There are many types of numbers in Numerology, and it has its own importance. But the Soul Urge Number is what we are going to talk about. The soul urge number is something that reflects your innermost personality. It shows your deepest fears and feelings. To put it in simple words, it uncovers the inner you, a part that you try to hide from the world.

There are four main functions or soul urge number. Firstly, it tells us what our hidden desires are; secondly, it unearths what really motivates us. It also reflects what truly keeps us inspired to pursue our dreams. And it reflects our inner fears as well.

Soul Urge Number is easy to find. Just take the vowels out of your name and try calculating their values. The master number you get by adding the value of the number of vowels in your name is your soul urge number.

People with soul urge number one are incredibly independent. They are both fierce and passionate and try to make their own way. Souk urge number two are the people who stay behind the scenes. They are the artsy and creative ones who like to direct things. Moreover, they are natural problem fixers.

The soul urge number three people have a free spirit. They want to be one with nature and have an excitement for life. People with soul urge number 4 are often dull because they fixate their lives on Planning and balance. There are other soul numbers as well that tell a lot about people and how they are on the inside.

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