
Entrepreneur Anthony Sarandrea Discusses How Customers Become Clients



According to the old adage, the customer is king. The problem is, this concept has been somewhat lost in recent years, with many companies chasing the mighty dollar and putting customer needs at the bottom of their list of priorities.

This “money first” attitude is one that successful entrepreneur Anthony Sarandrea definitely doesn’t prescribe to. A “30 under 30” entrepreneur, Anthony understands the merits of putting the customer first and owes all of his success to this hypothesis.

Anthony has built a massive online empire over the last few years and believes that understanding the needs of the customer is key. His businesses span multiple industries and welcome over 1 million customers a year, most of whom are completely content with the level of service they provide.

A happy customer is a repeat customer, and happy customers lead to great reviews, word-of-mouth, and everything else a growing business needs.

Anthony believes that you need to “Own the customer and not the offer”. In other words, focus on the lifetime worth of a valued customer and not the instant payout of a simple lead. It’s an attitude that he instills into all of his work, from the countless companies that he helps to thrive and prosper, to his roster of websites in the health, finance, law, and education sectors.

This tireless, dedicated approach has seen Anthony accumulate numerous awards and receive global recognition for his efforts, with his company, Siteflood, featuring in publications such as Forbes, Jetset Magazine, Inc., and more.

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