
Dermatologists Provide Tailor Made Skin Plan for Acne Prone Skin



Picking and popping a pimple aggravates the acne situation. First thing to stop skin irritation during acne beckons is stop touching the skin. Remember, with every touch, the germs increase and the acne worsens. Certainly stop touching, picking and popping the affected area and keep it clean. Scrubbing acne prone skin increases the irritation worsening the acne on the face or the body part.

During the acne the skin does feel greasy, dirty or even grimy but instead of scrubbing it try using a mild face wash to clean the dirt. Scrubs contain chemicals and rough particles which further extravagantes the acne. Instead of scrubbing try using fuller’s earth/ charcoal/ kaolin face packs that will absorb the dirt, oil and leave your skin refreshed.

Avoid using any face oils on the skin and rather opt for gel based face creams like aloe vera gel or products made of tea tree, lemongrass and charcoal that leave the skin moisturized and non sticky. This is one of the most effective acne solution you should definitely try.

Oil products will make more dirt stick to the skin. Check the package of the products and choose the products that mention, they won’t clog pores and are non-comedogenic, non-acnegenic and completely oil free. Labels will help you clear your doubts as some skin care products say they are made for sensitive skin but still cause acne in certain skins. They cause breakouts.

Consult a dermatologist who will suggest the right acne medication for your specific skin after a thorough checkup. The specialist will also recommend the right products for the skin so that everyday care is maintained even when the acne subsides.

It seems wise to increase the intake of water content fruits and vegetables in the diet and avoid all heavy, fatty and sweet food. Good gut health ensures good skin.

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